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Aquatic Sciences; Biology
Indexes the worldwide technical literature pertaining to the marine and brackish-water environment. Over 600 journals are indexed and literature published from 1981 to the present is covered. The database focuses on marine biology and physical oceanography, fisheries, aquaculture, non-living resources, meteorology and geology, plus environmental, technological, and legislative topics. It covers living and non-living resources, meteorology and geology, plus environmental, technological, and legislative topics.
Oceanic abstracts (Bethesda, Md.)
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General and Reference Works; Government Information: International and Foreign; Political Science
The United Nations Official Documents System (ODS) is the electronic repository for official documents published by the United Nations. Comprehensive, though not complete, coverage of all types of publicly-available UN documentation starting in the early to mid-1990s. Categories of documents included are: Resolutions going back to 1946 (Security Council, General Assembly, Economic and Social Council and Trusteeship Council); Selected Security Council and General Assembly documents going back to 1985; Meeting records; Daily journals; and bulletins. Not included in ODS: UN sales publications; UN public information materials; UN press releases and briefings; UN Treaty Series; documents that are not publicly released.
At the Library:
Green » International Government Documents » ST/CS/SER.A/37/REV.1/ADD 1
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Statistical and Numeric Data; Government Information: International and Foreign; General and Reference Works; Economics and Business
OECD iLibrary contains all the publications and datasets released by OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), International Energy Agency (IEA), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and International Transport Forum (ITF) since 1998 some 390 complete databases, 2.500 working papers, 5.500 books, 14.000 tables and graphs, 21.000 chapters and articles. It replaces SourceOECD.
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Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign; Statistical and Numeric Data
"OECD.Stat includes data and metadata for OECD countries and selected non-member countries ... access by keyword, by theme, by country via the selection of key indicators."
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www.leginfo.ca.gov + 2 more sources
American History; Political Science; Law; Government Information: United States
Contains information on organization, calendar, and rules of state legislature, with links to home pages of state legislators; fully searchable California Code, Constitution, and text of state statutes, bills, resolutions, and constitutional amendments, with a legislative index, and table of sections affected. Features information on the state legislative process, including the Legislative Counsel's A guide for accessing California legislative information on the Internet. Also provides links to other WWW sites with related information.
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British and Commonwealth History; American History; Government Information: International and Foreign; Political Science
Official Documents is the official reference facility for Command and departmentally sponsored House of Commons Papers. From May 2005 onwards, all Command Papers and House of Commons Papers, as well as Key Departmental Papers, are available for free on the site in PDF format. A selection of key papers published before May 2005 are also available for free in the archive
Corporate Author:
Stationery Office (Great Britain)
Search database:
Political Science; British and Commonwealth History
Official Documents is the official reference facility for Command and departmentally sponsored House of Commons Papers. From May 2005 onwards, all Command Papers and House of Commons Papers, as well as Key Departmental Papers, are available for free on the site in PDF format. A selection of key papers published before May 2005 are also available for free in the archive
Corporate Author:
Stationery Office (Great Britain)
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British and Commonwealth History; General and Reference Works
Index with coverage from 1906 to 1980.
At the Library:
Green » Stacks » AI21 .T46 ...
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Statistical and Numeric Data
"OFFSTATS lists web sites offering free and easily accessible social, economic and general data from official or similar 'quotable' sources, especially those that provide both current data and time series. In the country lists, these are mainly web pages provides by statistical offices, central banks and government dapartments and agencies, whereas the topics list is comprised of links to the statistics pages of international organizations and associations and a few commercial sites."
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PriceFinder includes the most up-to-date information on the antique maps market. The database currently contains over 16,000 entries, representing over 1,000 mapmakers. This data was compiled from the offerings of over 100 dealer and auction catalogs. In the coming months, the database will be continually updated, with both historical data and new information.
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Earth Sciences
OnePetro.org is a multi-society library that provides a simple way to search for and access a broad range of technical literature related to the oil and gas exploration and production industry. From one place, you can search and buy documents from many different professional societies, or similar organizations, that serve the oil and gas industry.
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History; American History
A core component of the California Digital Library, the Online Archive of California Project is a digital information resource that facilitates and provides access to materials such as manuscripts, photographs, and works of art held in libraries, museums, archives, and other institutions across California. The OAC includes a single, searchable database of "finding aids" to primary sources and their digital facsimiles. Primary sources include letters, diaries, manuscripts, legal and financial records, photographs and other pictorial items, maps, architectural and engineering records, artwork, scientific logbooks, electronic records, sound recordings, oral histories artifacts and ephemera. The majority of these images were created through campus-sponsored projects, including the UC Berkeley California Heritage Collection, the UC Davis Eastman agricultural postcard image collection, and the UCLA Ishigo collection. There are several other digital collection development projects sponsored by individual repositories participating in the OAC, including the Free Speech Movement, the Cased Photographs or Daguerreotype collection, the San Francisco Call Bulletin, the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, and the Greene and Greene Virtual Archives project. The CDL has sponsored three collaborative digital collection building projects across multiple repositories: the Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives (JARDA); Museums and the Online Archive of California (MOAC); and the California Cultures project.
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Computer Science
This ACM guide provides a bibliographic database from the key publishers in computing, including books, journals, proceedings and theses.
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American History; Government Information: United States; History; Communication and Journalism
Corporate Author:
United States. National Archives and Records Administration.
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Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); History
Indexes biographical information on interviewees from the Shoah Foundation's Holocaust survivors' videotaped testimonies. Over 42,000 data records which give biographical information and wartime experiences of survivors are accessible through the catalogue. Interviewees are from nine experience groups including Jews, Jehovah?s Witnesses, Sinti and Roma, homosexuals, political prisoners, survivors of eugenics policies, rescuers and aid providers, liberators, and war crimes trials participants.
Corporate Author:
Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation.
Search database:
African Studies; Statistical and Numeric Data; Government Information: International and Foreign
Open Access government data from Kenya with over 160 datasets including the complete 2009 census, national budget data, nation and county public expenditure data, information on health care and school facilities. Data are available charts, tables, mapped, and raw data that is downloadable in a variety of data formats. Date coverage varies; geographic coverage, national to constituency level, varies depending on the data set.
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Government Information: United States; Political Science
OpenCongress collects every publicly-available piece of legislation (i.e., every bill), vote, committee report and official government data and combines it with news and blog coverage, social networking, and participation tools to give you the real story behind what's happening in Congress. With OpenCongress you can research and track a bill, a Member of Congress, or an issue area. OpenCongress is a project of the Participatory Politics Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that builds free & open-source software for civic engagement. The Sunlight Foundation, also a non-profit organization, is the founding and primary supporter of OpenCongress.
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Government Information: International and Foreign; Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business; American History; Political Science
"The most comprehensive, nonpartisan, resource for campaign contributions, lobbying data and analysis available anywhere. And for other organizations and news media, CRP's exclusive data powers their online features tracking money in politics -- counting cash to make change. [We are] a clearinghouse for data and analysis on multiple aspects of money in politics -- the independent interest groups called 527s committees, federal lobbying, Washington's 'revolving door', privately sponsored congressional travel and the personal finances of members of Congress, the president and other officials. The unparalleled data we produce helps power the online features and research of activist groups and news organizations, extending the reach of our research. We also collaborate with other transparency advocates to encourage government to provide more information to citizens in electronic formats that allow for easier review and understanding."--About us [Mar. 3, 2010] "The Center for Responsive Politics describes itself as 'a non-partisan, non-profit research group based in Washington, D.C. that tracks money in politics, and its effect on elections and public policy.' Opensecrets.org, the Center's Web site, provides information from the Federal Election Commission about campaign contributions to Congress, to the political parties and the presidential campaigns. The site may be navigated by tabs at the top of the web page, by search engines within the site, or by links to current issues. Everything is documented with citations and methodology. The mission statement, contact information, and funding sources are clearly noted. Opensecrets.org is a goldmine of data on contributions in politics, helpful both for students writing papers and for avid followers of politics"--"Best Free Reference Web Sites 2002, " RUSA Quarterly, Fall 2002; reviewed Feb. 19, 2002.
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Physics and Astronomy; Science (General)
The Optics InfoBase is a web-based repository of optics research, full-text e-journals and added services to meet the individual subscriber's needs.
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History; American History
"Oral history online is a landmark index to English language oral histories. Working with archives, repositories and individuals we've indexed oral histories that are publicly available on the Web and that are held by repositories and archives around the world. Our intent is to make it possible to find and explore the voices of more than 300,000 individuals"--Introduction.

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